Sunday, March 28, 2010

Best Diet Program to Get Healthy Fast

What is the Best Diet Program to lose weight fast and get healthy in a hurry? What is the best low carb diet? Can I find a diet that I can actually follow? If you have these questions, the following article can help. Give it a quick once-over.

Finding the Best Diet Program to Get Healthy Now

By L. Zavada

Diet programs are everywhere you look. The internet has become completely saturated with them. So, how do you find the best diet program among all the hype and hoop-la? The following paragraphs will definitely get you on the right track.

First of all, you need to control your portions. Most people who are going on a diet enjoy eating, and therefore do not want to hear that or face that reality. The good news is that you can still enjoy eating while you count calories, and there are ways to make counting calories really easy, which will be discussed at the end of the article.

If you want your diet to be successful, you may need to make a few modifications to the foods you love so that you can still enjoy them while losing weight in the process.

One of the easiest changes you can make is to switch to whole wheat bread and pasta.

White bread and white pasta is converted to sugar instantly by your body. Whole grains like whole wheat are processed much more slowly by your body. This causes you to feel fuller longer. Since your body has to work harder to metabolize whole wheat, you will burn more calories digesting them than you would if you eat white bread.

Another way to slash calories and sugar from your diet is to find something to drink other than sugary soda and juice. Of course, the best thing to drink is water. A gallon a day is recommended. You can also drink unsweetened iced tea. It is full of antioxidants. Read on to find out more about the best diet program online.

Strip That Fat is the best diet program I have come across. The program comes with software that plans all your meals for you. Just type in the foods you like. It takes the guessing completely out if calorie counting.

Click here for a free guide and more information about the best diet program.

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Quick Healthy Weight Loss-Here's The Skinny

Getting quick healthy weight loss sounds easier said than done. You can crash diet and then suffer the consequences, or you can be patient and do it the healthy way. Maybe you CAN do both! This article sheds some light on how to shed pounds quickly and be healthy about it.

Quick, Healthy Weight Loss Simplified

By L. Zavada

For quick healthy weight loss, the following foods should be the staples of your diet: Lean proteins, nuts and seeds, lots of green vegetables, healthy fats, and a little bit of fruit.

There are several good lean proteins to choose from. Chicken breast, turkey breast, and fish are some good ones. When you prepare them, make sure you don't dump calorie-laden sauces on them like ranch or tartar sauce. Try salsa with chicken and lemon juice and garlic with fish.

Nuts and seeds are nutrient-packed super foods. Think about it this way: There are enough nutrients in one seed or nut to grow a whole tree! Here's the catch. Most nuts and seeds you buy at the grocery store are roasted. The roasting process turns the good fats in the nuts or seeds into bad fats.

You want to eat raw nuts and seeds to achieve quick healthy weight loss, so read the packages carefully before you buy them. Some of the most beneficial choices include almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

You can never eat too many green vegetables. They have many health benefits. Green veggies contain antioxidants and tons of vitamins. More importantly, they contain lots of minerals. You can get your vitamins from milk, the sun, and a good multivitamin pill, but many people are deficient in minerals. Green veggies are also a good way to get much needed fiber.

It is very important to cook the veggies properly or you can rob yourself of most of the minerals. When you boil vegetables, most of the nutrients go out with the water. The best way to prepare green vegetables is to steam them for 4-5 minutes.

Some of the best green vegetables you can eat for quick healthy weight loss are leafy greens and broccoli. The darker the green, the more nutrients it has in it. Turnip greens and collard greens are two of the best. They taste great with balsamic vinegar or olive oil. Broccoli can be prepared the same way. Make sure you don't dump cheese all over your broccoli. Try some garlic and olive oil or hot sauce.

Not all fats are bad. Saturated fat and trans fat are the bad fats. Good fats are unsaturated fats. They actually help your body processes, help lubricate your brain, and help your heart with their omega oils. You can get these fats from avocados, raw nuts and seeds, and olive oil, but my favorite way to get good fats is from flax seed.

Flax seed is a great source of omega oils, and it also is an excellent source of fiber. Flax seed essentially scrubs out your colon and helps you maintain regularity. You want to eat milled flax seed rather than the whole seeds so that your body can absorb more of the minerals and nutrients in it.

Fruit is good to have in your diet for the long haul, but for quick healthy weight loss, you want to go easy on the fruit because it has a lot if sugar in it in the form of fructose. It is ok to eat fruit, but as a rule of thumb, eat twice as many veggies as you eat fruit.

There is an inexpensive program available online that makes calorie counting and meal planning extremely easy. It is called Strip That Fat. The program comes with software that you can use to select foods you like. From that list, you can plan tons of meals so that you never get bored while you steadily lose weight. The software that comes with the program also has a feature that lets you type in any food, and it tells you how much of it you should eat. It takes the guessing completely out if calorie counting.

Don't waste another day wishing you were a size smaller or that you could fit into that favorite shirt or bikini for summer! is the answer whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds. Click here for a free guide and more information about a healthy diet for weight loss.

Article Source:,-Healthy-Weight-Loss-Simplified&id=3939257

Finding a Healthy Diet for Weight Loss

Finding a healthy diet for weight loss can seem impossible with all the crazy hyped up fad diets out there these days. Most of them actually hurt you in the long run. There is a healthy way to lose weight fast.

A Healthy Diet For Weight Loss

By L. Zavada

It is difficult to choose a healthy diet for weight loss with all the other diet myths and temptations out there. Crash diets, slashing carbs, eating grapefruits and cabbage soup, drinking nothing but expensive juices, and of course, the age old method of starving yourself all will eventually fail. You will be left fatter and more upset.

Remember, you can not cheat or trick your body when it comes to losing weight. People do everything they can to try to trick their body to no avail, when if they just focused that same energy into a healthy diet for weight loss, they would lose the weight they so desperately want to lose.

In order to lose weight, you simply need to burn off more energy than you consume. Count your calories. It is not that hard when you actually try it for a day.

Count every thing you eat, drink, or put in your mouth in general. If you chew a piece of gum, count it. If you eat a piece of hard candy, count it. Definitely remember to count the calories in all of your drinks unless you are drinking water.

Remember, there are calories in every condiment you use. Ketchup, mustard, and mayo all have calories. The creamer you put in your coffee has calories. Look for places that you can do without these extra calories. You will probably be able to easily shave off 100-300 calories a day just using this one tip.

It is easy to figure out how many calories you need to eat to maintain a healthy diet for weight loss. To figure out how many calories you need to eat to maintain your same weight, you take what you weigh and multiply it by 15.

For example, Let's pretend that you weigh 200 pounds and you want to weigh 180 pounds.

That means, if you weigh 200 pounds, you need to eat 3000 calories a day to maintain that weight. Now, take how much you want to weigh and multiply that by 15. In order to maintain a weight of 180 pounds, you need to eat 2700 calories a day.

Now that you have all that figured out, reduce your calories by 500 a day. In this case, that would mean you would be eating 2500 calories a day.

By following this method, you would lose a pound or two a week the healthy way until you reached 180 pounds. Then you could simply eat 2700 calories a day and you would maintain that weight.

If you reduce you calorie intake by more than 500, there is a good chance that your body will think you are starving, and your metabolism will slow down, and you will no longer be following a healthy diet for weight loss.

Another good idea is to try to eat several small meals a day rather than to eat the traditional three meals a day. It will be much easier for your body to be able to metabolize 6 meals around 400 or 500 calories each than to try to metabolize 3 meals of 900 calories each.

There is an inexpensive program available online that makes calorie counting and meal planning extremely easy. It is called Strip That Fat. The program comes with software that you can use to select foods you like. From that list, you can plan tons of meals so that you never get bored while you steadily lose weight. The software that comes with the program also has a feature that lets you type in any food, and it tells you how much of it you should eat. It takes the guessing completely out if calorie counting.

Don't waste another day wishing you were a size smaller or that you could fit into that favorite shirt or bikini for summer! is the answer whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds. Click here for a free guide and more information about a healthy diet for weight loss.

Article Source:

Weight Loss Resistant People Need to Read This

People have been deemed "weight loss resistant" just because they tried to lose weight and they were unsuccessful.

Most of the time, it isn't really that the person is unable to lose weight. It's that the person simply hasn't tried to lose weight in a healthy way. This article does a great job of explaining it. Check it out!

Hope For the Weight Loss Resistant

By L. Zavada

Many people consider themselves weight loss resistant. They have tried several diets, and none of them have worked. Some of them have even gained weight from dieting!

The problem is not with these people. The problem is with the diets. Most diets are completely unrealistic. It is impossible to never eat carbs again or to eat grapefruits and cabbage soup for the rest of your life.

Many of the low carb diets are so restrictive that the dieter ends up actually craving carbs and day-dreaming about what they are going to eat as soon as they are done with the diet. Guess what happens as soon as the diet ends. The dieter pigs out on all the carbs he or she has been "missing out on" and all the weight comes back, plus a little bit more.

That example shows exactly why most diets fail and why most people are weight loss resistant. The solution is to find a plan or program that you can stick to for a while, then slowly incorporate it into your lifestyle. There are several great programs online that get you started on the right track, then lead you by the hand and simplify the process of losing weight.

Many of these healthy weight loss diet plans come with software that includes meal plans that are easy and teach portion control. The software tells the dieter what foods to eat and what foods to stay away from most of the time. It stresses the importance of how much to eat, how often to eat, and the best times of day to eat.

Even you can do this! Don't waste another day wishing you were a size smaller or that you could fit into that favorite shirt or bikini for summer! Strip That Fat is the answer whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds.

Click here for a free guide and more information for people who thought they were weight loss resistant.

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Lose weight- belly is the hardest part to get rid of

When trying to lose weight a belly can hang around long after other weight has been lost. This article tells you why and what to do about it. Check it out. It's pretty good.

Lose Weight - Belly No More!

By L. Zavada

Both men and women tend to accumulate fat in their stomach area. Let's talk about the three main reasons why this happens and what you can do to lose weight in the belly area.

The first reason people gain weight in the abdomen is stress. Any time you are stressed out, a hormone called cortisol is released by your body. This cortisol causes your liver to to release more sugar than it normally would. That makes you feel hunger.

Naturally, most people react to this by eating comfort food to feel better about whatever they were stressed out about in the first place. Since your belly has the most cortisol receptors on your body, that's where your fat is going to be stored the most.

The second reason people are carrying around those big ol' barrels around their midsection is simply from eating too much. If you take in more calories than you burn in a day, you are going to have to store that extra weight somewhere. That somewhere is your belly.

The third reason for the formation of a big gut is starving yourself. Many people get that idea in their heads that they have to burn off more calories than they take in, so to lose weight in the belly, they turn to starvation in stead of exercise. This is never a good idea because when you starve yourself, your body quickly goes into survival mode. What that means is that your metabolism comes to a grinding halt and you start to stockpile fat in your belly. Once you stop starving yourself, its difficult to get your metabolism to speed back up again.

The good news is that you can lose weight in the belly and get the desirable shape everybody wants. You need to eat a healthy diet without starving yourself. Count calories and control your portions. There are inexpensive online programs that make this very easy to do. You must do a little moderate cardiovascular exercise every day, or at least 5 times a week for about 30 minutes at a clip. Make a plan and get organized. Soon, you will lose that fat belly.

Don't waste another day wishing you were a size smaller or that you could fit into that favorite shirt or bikini for summer! Strip That Fat is the answer whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds. Click here for a free guide and more information about how to lose weight belly busting.

Article Source:!&id=3911425

Quick Diets Don't Have to be Crash Diets

You may be looking for quick diets to lose 1o pounds before summer or that big wedding. Many diets that promise really fast weight loss are crash diets.

You lose your water weight, then you put it right back on.

Make sure you lose the weight the healthy way. It can be done.

Quick Diets Can Offer Long Term Results

By L. Zavada

Sometimes you need to lose weight in a hurry, and quick diets are the way to go. With the following diets, you can expect to lose a few pounds a week. Diets that claim more than that are unrealistic. Remember, if you don't keep the weight off, a diet is completely worthless and a waste of time and money.

If you want to really lose weight quickly, you should choose a healthy way to do it. This way, the weight won't come right back on as soon as you are done with some crazy crash diet.

One of the best diet programs available to lose weight quickly and "honestly" is called Strip That Fat. You won't be able to lose a pants size over night, but the results you get are much more likely to stay off for the long haul.

The Strip That Fat program utilizes calorie shifting to rev up your metabolism and keep it burning fast so that you keep the weight off. With calorie shifting, you don't have to worry about eating low carb or low fat or low calories.

Calorie shifting has to do with the way you vary your intake of fats, proteins, and carbs. The whole point is to allow your metabolism to keep your metabolism guessing so it is always trying to get used to your diet. This way, you consistently burn a lot of calories.

The Strip That Fat program also focuses on portion control. It comes with software that calculates your portion sizes for you, making it very simple. You can also use the software to pick from a long list of foods to find the ones that you like. Based on the foods you choose, several meals are generated for you so that you have a lot of variety for your meals. Also, you can eat as much healthy food from the menu as you want. This way you will not be starving yourself, but you will still be able to lose upwards of 10 pounds in two weeks.

Don't waste another day wishing you were a size smaller or that you could fit into that favorite shirt or bikini for summer! Strip That Fat is the answer whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds. Click here for a free guide and more information about quick diets for weight loss.

Article Source:

Diet and Exercise Programs-3 Great Tips

Whether you are trying to find the best low carb diet or decide which quick diets can help you achieve quick healthy weight loss, you need to know what really works.

Is bacon good or bad?
What the hell is turkey bacon?
How much do I need to jog before my abs will show?

These are all good questions. The following article tells what really works when it comes to diet and exercise programs.

Diet and Exercise Programs - 3 Things That Actually Work

By L. Zavada

There are tons of diet and exercise programs on the market today. It's enough to make one's head spin. In some diets bacon is good and in others it is bad. No wonder everybody is over weight. Here are 3 things that actually work.

First, eating 5 or 6 small meals a day is a proven way to raise your metabolism. I call it the fire analogy. When you make a fire, you want it to keep burning. In order to do this, you keep putting small or medium pieces of wood on it. If you just put one giant log on it, it will smoke and go out. That is exactly what happens to your metabolism when you eat 2 or 3 large meals a day. This is true for all diet and exercise programs.

Second, stay away from simple carbohydrates. There are two kinds of carbs: Simple carbs and complex carbs. Simple carbs are processed. They have little or no nutritional value. White bread, pasta, and sugar are examples of simple carbohydrates. Complex carbs are harder for your body to digest. Therefore, they keep you full longer and burn more calories. They are unprocessed and have much more nutritional value and fiber than simple carbs. Whole wheat bread and pasta are examples of complex carbohydrates.

Third, exercise often and in moderation. Almost any kind of exercise will help you lose weight. The key is to exercise every day or almost every day. In order to exercise that often, you need to pick an exercise that you like to do and that your body can handle several times a week. Many people over do it the first day at the gym, then they have mentally defeated themselves. Stop before you are thoroughly exhausted so that you still want to go back the next day.

Don't waste another day wishing you were a size smaller or that you could fit into that favorite shirt or bikini for summer! Strip That Fat is the answer whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds. Click here for a free guide and more information about diet exercise programs.

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